
Through the right combination of people and technology, we get the most out of our diverse teams. We are true professionals and ensure that customer inquiries decrease while delivering the best future-proof customer experience.

Let's meet

Global support

What makes us unique

We combine technology with human touch. Our team consists of experienced Customer Experience Consultants, AI experts, and tech-savvy Customer Service Stars who work together to create future-proof solutions with quality and customer satisfaction as priorities. All at a competitive price.

We look at the total Customer Experience to build the customer service of the future together. This way, we proactively prevent (unnecessary) customer inquiries and create loyal customers with the goal of increasing total customer value. Monthly, we provide each client with a Voice of the Customer report containing insights to improve the overall customer experience.

Een persoon zit achter een bureau met een laptop, notitieboekje en kop koffie, terwijl ze geconcentreerd werken in een lichte en moderne werkruimte.

The power of diversity

We work worldwide and believe that diversity leads to increased creativity and productivity, as different people have different perspectives. Various studies have now shown that this delivers the best results.

Research shows that diverse teams are more effective and achieve better results. Globally, we work with various teams to support our customers, train AI, provide excellent service, and think along about solving customer inquiries as effectively as possible.



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Een persoon kijkt naar een laptopscherm terwijl ze werken in een open kantoorruimte, met een minimalistische inrichting en natuurlijk licht.



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Our Stars

Our Stars are central to CloudTeams. They are the key to happy customers. Happy employees lead to happy customers. That's why we invest in the development and engagement of our Stars, wherever they are in the world.

Working at CloudTeams is not just fun; it offers our Stars the opportunity to gain targeted knowledge. From learning about new technology to support in obtaining vocational, bachelor's, or university degrees. We help our Stars with their learning journey. We grow together, and our Stars grow with us! Our Stars are more than just customer service specialists – they have the freedom to truly resolve every customer inquiry, aiming to help customers perfectly the first time, resulting in loyal customers.

Service Heroes

They are service-oriented and trained in working with AI tools, enabling them to not only provide the human touch your customers need but also improve technology and processes to prevent future customer inquiries. Whether it's direct customer contact or improving backend systems, our Stars always add value.Our Stars are more than just customer service specialists – they have the freedom to truly resolve every customer case, aiming to help customers perfectly the first time and win hearts.

They work from various locations around the world, meaning they are flexibly deployable and always available – regardless of your operating hours. This way, you can be sure that your customers can count on excellent service at any time.

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